
Your Coffee from Seed to Cup

Posted by Chris Newsom on Sep 30th 2020

Your Coffee from Seed to Cup

Did you ever wonder what the journey from farm to cup looks like for your coffee? Here are the 10 most common steps in a simplified form.

Coffee from Cup to Seed

  1. Planting - A coffee bean is actually the seed of a cherry. Once planted, it takes 3-4 years for the new coffee tree to bear fruit.
  2. Harvesting - Coffee cherries harvesting occurs once a year. In most cases, hand-picking is the method. Lower elevation farms may use mechanical harvesting methods.
  3. Processing the Cherries - There are two ways to remove the outer cherry fruit from the seed: Dry Method on patios or raised tables, or by Wet Method using a pulping machine and systems of water.
  4. Drying - Wet Method coffee beans require an extra step of manual drying on patios or tables, or machine drying in large tumblers.
  5. Milling - In preparation for export, hulling machinery removes the outer parchment layer from the beans.
  6. Grading and Sorting - Size, weight, color flaws and other imperfections are considered as the green coffee is sorted and prepared for sale.
  7. Exporting - The green coffee bagging occurs either by jute or bulk-shipped to the import country.
  8. Tasting and Cupping - Sample roasting and "cupping" for quality and taste occur repeatedly. Cupping is a formal process for determining character, flaws and blending potential.
  9. Roasting - The green coffee bean transform into the aromatic beans we're familiar with in stores and cafes.
  10. Grinding and Brewing - A proper and consistent grind aligns with the brewing method to extract the optimal flavor of the fresh coffee.

How Much Coffee Does the World Produce?

As a reference, the estimated coffee production for 2019/2020 is 169.34 million bags, which is 2.2% lower than the previous year. This includes everything from lessor commodity-grade coffees all the way to up the top 5% that we call specialty grade coffee

Experience Specialty Grade Coffee

At Sky Mountain Coffee, that's all we sell. Upgrade your coffee experience today. See what's roasting!